Our Community Development Officer has prepared a strategy for the Parish that sets out our approach to community development. This document explains how the Parish Council will deliver an effective and coordinated approach to community development for the benefit of all residents and the diverse communities of Fair Oak & Horton Heath.
The aim of the Community Development Action Plan is to ensure that strategies are in place which better connect the Parish Council with its residents. It will achieve this by encouraging co-collaboration between the Parish Council and its residents and empowering them to utilise their skills and talents to help in creating a community that is an exceptional place to live, work, and visit.
The Community Development Action Plan (click here to view) will provide the framework by which the Community Development Officer will work, setting out measurable and achievable objectives which are grounded within the parameters set out in the Parish Council’s 2021-2023 Corporate Plan and other corporate documents. This action plan will be reviewed by Officers six months after ratification by referring to the implementation timescale and success criteria set out within the document to assess the success of its implementation and pose further amendments.
The Full Council will formally adopt the Community Development Action Plan at its meeting on Monday 25th of April 2022.
If you wish to comment or share your views on the Community Development Action Plan, please email Michael Gilham, Community Development Officer, at: mike.gilham@fairoak-pc.gov.uk by no later than Monday 28th of March. If you do not have access to the internet, please phone 02380 692403 where Council Officers will be happy to assist.