Purchase a History Book
Mrs Helen Douglas, Parish Council Chairman has a keen interest in local history.
Did you know that Fair Oak derived its name from the original fair that was held under the oak tree in the centre of the village?
Horton Heath is named after the two farms ‘East Horton Farm’ and ‘West Horton Farm’ on the old heath in the parish then known as Bishopstoke.
Want to know more? Mrs Douglas has updated the ‘A History of Fair Oak and Horton Heath’ originally published in 1994. If you wish to purchase a copy of the new book priced at £5.00 (plus £1.99 postage if you are not a Parish resident), please complete this form and make online payment to:
Sort Code 40-20-10
Account Number 51403745
Please clearly mark your name in the reference column.

Fair Oak Square