

The Constitution is the Council's internal rule book. It sets out how the Council will operate and how decisions are made. Some of the processes are required by law, while others are a matter of Council choice.

The Constitution contains procedural rules which apply to the conduct of meetings of the Council.

The Constitution is a living document. It is kept under continual review and is re-examined annually by Council.


Chapter Content Adoption Date Review Date
1 Introduction July 2021 July 2024
2 Standing Orders May 2024 May 2025
3 Financial Regulations July 2024 July 2025
4 Employee Handbook March 2023 March 2025
5 Health and Safety Policy March 2022 November 2024
6 Councillor and Officer Relations Protocol May 2024 May 2026
7 Responsible Finance Officer Protocol May 2024 March 2026
8 Councillor Code of Conduct May 2023 May 2025
9 Complaints Policy May 2024 May 2025
10 Training Policy March 2023 March 2025
11 Financial Risk Assessment July 2024 July 2025
12 Access to Information Policy April 2024 April 2027
13 Information Policy July 2021 November 2024
14 Publication Scheme July 2023 July 2025
15 Information Retention and Disposal Policy April 2024 April 2025
16 Community Engagement Strategy July 2021 xx 2024
17 Communications Policy July 2024 July 2026
18 Data Protection Policy/GDPR Privacy Information July 2021 November 2024
19 Children & Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy July 2021 xx 2024
20 Volunteer Policy July 2021 xx 2024
21 Investment Strategy March 2024 March 2025


*paper copies can be made available upon request.