Fair Oak & Horton Heath Parish Maps
Interactive Map
In order to help residents and visitors explore our Parish, the Council commissioned the production of a village wayfinding map which highlights key landmark buildings, recreational sites and community facilities provided by the Council. The map will be displayed on key locations around the parish, as well as hosted on the Council’s website. QR codes directing people to the map will also be displayed for people on the go!
Council Asset & Services Map
Please note this only works on a PC at the moment and won't display all the required information when accessed using a mobile device.
This map will help residents understand which areas fall under the responsibility of the Parish Council. The Map can be manipulated to show the position of assets owned, managed or maintained under licence by the Parish Council. The layers include grass-cutting, memorials, defibrillator locations, allotments and more.
Using the Map:
You can choose the layers you want to see by clicking the legend on the left and you can make the map bigger by clicking the map with your mouse and using the scroll wheel to zoom in and out. Recentre the map by dragging it with your mouse.
If you would like information on grass-cutting, hedge and shrub maintenance please visit our dedicated page.