Parish Council Tree Management Plan and Planting Schedule is open for consultation.

We have prepared a tree strategy for the Parish that sets out our approach to managing trees. This document explains national and local policies, and how these translate into action to protect and manage trees for multiple benefits.

The aim of the Management Plan and planting schedule is to help ensure that the Parish’s trees are valued, managed, and enhanced for the benefit of current and future generations.

The Plan will provide a framework for tree management and protection obligations, as well as promoting a pragmatic approach to the type of tree work that can reasonably be undertaken. It will seek to quantify and value the tree and woodland resource in the Parish, and in combination with Eastleigh Borough Council’s Tree Corridor scheme, act as a platform for council and community tree planting projects.

The Full Council will formally adopt the Plan and planting schedule at its meeting on Monday, 18 October 2021.

If you wish to comment or share your views on the Plan & planting schedule, please email Mel Stephens, Parish Clerk on by no later than Friday 15 October. If you do not have access to the internet, please phone 02380 692403 where Council Officers will be happy to assist.

View Our Plan and Planting Schedule.

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