Fair Oak residents are the recipients of new solar bench street furniture as part of the Council’s Village Image Enhancement Project Work.
To help make decisions regarding the general street scene and the environment in and around the Village Centre, the Parish Council set up the Village Image Task & Finish Group, inviting members of the local community to serve on the Group.
The Council have agreed to several of the initiatives recommended by the group to improve the area which include the bee and tree planting schemes, a digital village map and innovative solar seating areas. All these projects have been delivered for the benefit of our residents using Section 106 Developer Contributions, which if left unspent would return to the developer.
These state-of-the-art benches run on clean solar energy and provide not only a spot to rest but also gives the user a place to charge their smartphones for free using wireless or USB charging.
We ask all users to please take care of our benches which have been installed for the benefit and enjoyment of all.