A message from the Eastleigh Neighbourhood Policing Team
Dear residents,
Eastleigh Neighbourhood Policing Team will be holding a beat surgery on Saturday 12th December at The Lapstone Playing Fields, Pavilion Close between 12pm and 1pm. The team will be on hand to speak to local residents about any concerns or issues in the area and to provide crime prevention advice.
As we approach Christmas and individuals are buying gifts and valuables for their loved ones, you may wish to consider how you can help protect these gifts. The team will be on hand to assist residents with registering to Immobilise, https://www.immobilise.com/ Immobilise is a national property ownership database whereby members of the public register their property through the website in the hope that if it is lost or stolen and it comes into the hands of police, their property will be returned to them. In order to register you will need an email address and details of any valuables you wish to register, such as the items make, model, and serial number. Mobile phones, computers/laptops, tablets, games consoles and bicycles are all suitable to register on Immobilise.
In line with current Tier 2 restrictions we will be politely requesting that people who do come to speak to us do not gather in groups of more than 6, and that appropriate social distancing is maintained.
Thank you,
Eastleigh East and West Neighbourhood Policing Team