Hampshire County Council is asking people who live, work and study in Hampshire to have their say on proposed changes to libraries. A 10-week public consultation opened on 9 January 2020 asking for opinions on:
- the emerging vision for Hampshire’s Libraries to 2025;
- the level of need for library services in specific local communities;
- proposed changes to the Library Service and the potential impacts; and
- any alternatives that respondents may wish to propose.
Full details of all proposals can be found at www.hants.gov.uk/library-consultation – copies of the information is available to read in all libraries. The Parish Council is encouraging all residents to participate in this public consultation which sadly proposes Fair Oak library for closure. The consultation is open until Wednesday 18 March 2020.
Should residents wish to submit views direct to the Parish Council, please email clerk@fairoak-pc.gov.uk to ensure that we capture the views of our residents within our formal consultation response. The Parish Council’s draft response, will be discussed at the Council meeting on 17 February, will be published on this website shortly.