Eastleigh Borough Council’s Electoral Services have confirmed that regulation 10 requests from electors have not been fulfilled and the Parish Council can now fill the casual vacancy by co-option.
Interested in being a Parish Councillor?
If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, please complete and return the co-option application form which is available here.
Completed forms must be submitted to the Clerk by Friday 20 December 2019.
The Co-option will be considered by the Council at its meeting on Monday 20 January 2020 at 7.00pm a held at the Parish Office, 2 Knowle Park Lane, Fair Oak.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for co-option you must be a British, Commonwealth or European Citizen and on the day of nomination be 18 years of age or over. In addition, you must meet at least one of the following criteria: –
- Be on the electoral register for the Parish
- For the previous 12 months, have owned or tenanted land or premises in the parish
- For the previous 12 months, had a principal or only place of work in the parish
- For the previous 12 months, resided in the parish or within 3 miles of it