Terms and Conditions of Hire
This document sets out the terms and conditions that all hirers must adhere to. This applies to the hire of the following Parish Council buildings: -
- Horton Heath Community Centre, Meadowsweet Way, Fair Oak, Eastleigh, SO5O 7PF
- The Roger Smith Conference Suite, Parish Office, 2 Knowle Park Lane, Fair Oak, Eastleigh, SO5O 7GL
- The Woodland Community Centre, 55 Savernake Way, Fair Oak, Eastleigh, SO5O 7FA
General Information
Opening hours for the above premises are as follows: -
Horton Heath Community Hall:
Monday – Thursday and Sunday 08.30 – 22:00 Friday & Saturdays 08.30 – 23:30
The Roger Smith Conference Suite:
Monday* – Friday 09.00 – 22:00
*Please note that the Parish Council holds its formal meetings on a Monday evening regularly throughout the year, dates should be checked with the Bookings Administrator if you require a Monday evening booking.
The Woodland Community Centre:
Monday – Thursday and Sunday 08.00 – 22:00 Friday & Saturdays 08.30 – 23:00
When hiring any of the above facilities, you must:
• Ensure that you and your guests have vacated the premises by the end of licence period as shown above. Customers and their guest are asked to exit the premises quietly, to respect nearby residents.
• Ensure that your hire period allows sufficient time for setting up before your event and cleaning after your event.
• Ensure that the venue hired is only used for the purpose specified on the booking form. You must not sub-hire the premises or allow them to be used in any unlawful way.
• Pay for the hire of these facilities: for casual hirers, this must be made in full at the time of booking. Regular hirers must pay, in full, within 28 days of receiving their invoice from the Parish Council.
All bookings must be made by completing the online booking form found on the Council’s website: www.fairoak-pc.gov.uk or by contacting the Bookings Administrator via the following means: Telephone: 02380 692403 option (3) or Email: bookings@fairoak-pc.gov.uk
1. Hire & Council Fees
1.1 The booking fees for all premises available for hire can be found at Appendix 1 of these Terms and Conditions. Please note that the Parish Council will undertake a review of all fees and charges annually. Fee and charges will generally not increase above the rate of inflation.
1.2 Payment for the hire of any of the above facilities must be made in full at the time of booking in order to secure your booking.
2. Cancellations
2.1 The Parish Council reserves the right to refuse any application for the hiring of a venue if the event is deemed unsafe in accordance with the relevant fire and health and safety legislation(s).
2.2 The Parish Council may need to cancel your booking at any time, without being obliged to give a reason. In this case, we will offer compensation where appropriate. However, this will be limited to a maximum of the hire fee for the event. The Parish Council will not be liable for any further and/or consequential losses.
2.3 As the Hirer, if you cancel your booking, the following cancellation charges will apply:
For casual (one off hirers) • Less than one months’ notice given = the full hire charge • More than one months’ notice given = 50% of the hire charge.
For regular hirers (those with standard/regular bookings) • Less than one months’ notice given = 50% of the hire charge. • More than one months’ notice given = no charge
2.4 The Bookings Administrator must be notified of any cancellations, using the contact methods above. Likewise, amendments to the original booking must be made via the booking form and submitted to the Bookings Administrator, at least a week before your event.
3. Access & Egress of the Venues
3.1 Once the Bookings Administrator has confirmed your booking, you will be advised as to how to access and egress the venue.
Entering the building: 3.2 Casual/one off hirers, a member of our Caretaking team will meet you at the venue at the start of your hire period to open the room(s) you have booked.
3.3 Regular hirers, you will be given a registered key. This means that the key cannot be copied by anyone other than the Parish Council should the key be lost or stolen. You will also be given the code to the alarm system. And in the case of the Woodland Community Centre, the key to the lock on the gate. These codes will be changed regularly and we will inform you of the new codes as and when necessary.
Exiting the building: 3.3 Casual/one off hirers, at the end of your hire period, the Caretaker will return to see you out. If you leave before the end of your hire period, it is your responsibility to contact the Caretaker to advise of your early departure.
3.4 Regular hirers, please ensure that you lock the room(s) after use, set the alarm and lock the main entrance door. And for the Woodland Community Centre, lock the gate behind you.
3.5 Hirers are responsible for all car parking arrangements in order to avoid any obstruction (particularly the public highway/footpaths) or nuisance to local residents.
Please note the Parish Office and Woodland Community Centre have limited parking.
4. Venue Use
4.1 Hirers are responsible for the care and supervision of venues whilst in use. They are also responsible for the behaviour of all persons present at their events. Users will behave with due regard to the care of the property and nearby residents. Likewise, hirers and their guests should treat the Caretaker and other Parish Council staff with respect at all times. The Parish Council will not tolerate abuse of any kind and has the right to ask anyone to leave the premises.
4.2 Hirers are not permitted to pin posters/display items at the venues. Only white tack is permitted for displaying posters/signs etc. Similarly, other fixtures such as lights and furniture is not permitted without prior permission from the Bookings Administrator.
4.3 Hirers have access to the general notice boards/clear plastic poster racks in the Parish Office and the Woodland Community Centre. The Parish Council, will however, remove any posters it deems to be offensive etc.
4.4 Hirers will be responsible for the care of the fabric and contents of the venue. Should any damage occur during your period of hire, please report this immediately to the Parish Council. The Parish Council may invoice you for any damage, likewise for any missing contents. The Council will not take responsibility for the loss, theft, damage of or to any goods/property of the hirer or of any other persons, brought onto the hired premises.
4.5 The release of, or operation of flying objects such as drones, balloons and lanterns is prohibited at all venues.
4.6 Helium balloons are prohibited in the Oak Hall of the Woodland Community Centre due to the ceiling height.
4.7 The use of inflammable or explosive products are strictly prohibited at all venues.
4.8 The use of bouncy castles in all venues is strictly prohibited.
4.9 No animals are to be kept on the premises except guide dogs. This is to comply with the requirements of the Department of Health.
4.10 Regular hirers have use of the PA system in the Woodland Community Centre. This has been set at the appropriate decibel level so as not to cause noise disturbance to surrounding residents. Please do not temper with these levels in any way. Similarly, the sound system at Horton Heath Community Centre has a noise limiter which will cut power to the system should the sound reach the maximum decibel level.
4.11 Council owned premises and halls will not be hired to any group disseminating extremist views.
5. Alcohol/Licences
5.1 Alcohol can be brought onto the premise(s) for private consumption. But MUST be declared at the time of booking. If alcohol is to be sold on the premises, the hirer must obtain a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) authorising the sale of alcohol. This can be obtained from Eastleigh Borough Council’s Licensing Services. The Hirer must adhere to all requirements of the TEN. A copy of the TEN must be given to the Bookings Administrator a week before the event. This applies to all venues.
5.2 Other licensable activities: - Horton Heath Community Centre holds a licence for other licensable activities. Please ask the Bookings Administrator for a copy of this. The Parish Office and the Woodland Community Centre do not hold a licence under the Licensing Act 2003. The Woodland Community Centre holds a PPL licence.
5.3 Nothing shall be done by the Hirer that shall or may contravene the terms and conditions of any licence, permit and/or licences or consent issued in respect of the Venue (e.g. Premises Licence or Temporary Event Notice, under the Licensing Act 2003).
6. Cleaning
6.1 The Hirer shall keep the venue clean and tidy and shall ensure that litter is picked regularly during the event. 6.2 All litter and refuse generated by the event shall be removed from the venue by the Hirer. 7. Catering
7.1 The Hirer must ensure that any outside catering company used for an event, are preparing & serving food in accordance with the relevant food, health and hygiene regulations.
7.2 Kitchens at all Parish venues are deemed as ‘domestic’ kitchens. The kitchens can only be used to re-heat food. Cooking and preparation of raw meat and fish is prohibited.
7.3 Kitchens come equipped with basic utensils, cutlery, glassware and crockery. Please report any breakages of any items used in the kitchens to the Bookings Administrator.
7.4 If you require use of the kitchens, please bring your own tea towels, washing up liquid and bin bags. Please leave the kitchens in the same condition that you found them. Please adhere to the kitchen rules posted on the kitchen noticeboard(s).
8. Broadcasting and Television 8.1 The Hirer may not carry out or allow or permit to be carried out any professional photography, filming, video recording, taping, television or radio broadcasts or any other recording of any kind of the event during the period of hire without the prior written consent of the Council.
8.2 If such consent is given, the Council reserves the right to be a party to any negotiations and the terms and conditions of any agreements reached and to share any income and publicity derived there from.
9. Health and Safety 9.1 To minimise the chances of accident or injury, we ask all Hirers to adopt a common sense and responsible attitude to health and safety.
9.2 Hirers must report any accident involving injury to the public to the Caretaker as soon as possible. First aid boxes are available at all venues, along with an accident book. These are all located in the kitchen areas. All Parish Council staff have received recent first aid training.
9.3 Hirers must make themselves familiar with the location and operation of the fire extinguishers, as well as the procedures for evacuation of the venue in the case of fire or emergency. A fire evacuation procedure is placed on in the noticeboards of all venue reception areas.
9.4 Fireworks (indoors or outdoors), naked flames, flammable liquids, gasses, oils, and smoke machines are strictly prohibited at all Parish venues.
9.5 Hirers must ensure that all tables, chairs and other equipment are arranged in such a way as to allow free and easy access to the fire exits, and with consideration for people’s safety in moving around them. As well as due regard to those with physical disabilities.
9.6 Hirers must ensure that any outside agencies employed for an event (such as catering companies, bands, DJ’s etc):
• Have had all electrical equipment that they bring into venues PAT tested within the last 12 months; and • Have valid public liability insurance (for a minimum of £5million)
Failure to produce these documents will lead to the cancellation of your event.
9.7 The Hirer, in booking an event, agrees to indemnify the Council against all claims, actions, demands, proceedings, cost or awards in respect of any loss, damage, injury or death to persons or property engaged by or assisting the Hirer.
10. Protection/Safeguarding of Children
10.1 Fair Oak and Horton Heath Parish Council, along with all other organisations, is required to take reasonable measures for the protection of children and vulnerable adults when they are subject to Council regulations, jurisdiction and events run by the Council. Accordingly, where the event is exclusively or primarily for young people, the hirer should have in place a Child Protection Policy and Safeguarding Policy, and provide a copy to Fair Oak and Horton Heath Parish Council, without which, your event will not be permitted.
10.2 Hirers must ensure that appropriate steps are taken to safeguard the welfare of children or vulnerable adults at their event. Fair Oak and Horton Heath Parish Council advises (at the discretion of the Hirer): • Parental/guardian consent is obtained in writing for allowing photographs (including video footage) to be taken of a child (in accordance with GDPR). • There should be no physical contact by any staff (or volunteers used by the Hirer in the running of the event) on children or vulnerable adults, unless the nature of the activity requires it (e.g. assistance with safety equipment, face painting)
• Relevant checks (e.g. DBS) have been carried out on people with unsupervised access to the children.
• Reasonable steps are taken to keep children out of those parts of the venue that might present a potential danger to them (e.g. the kitchen) unless they are supervised by a responsible adult.
11 Traders 11.1 No commercial traders will be permitted to trade at the event without the prior written consent of the Bookings Administrator.
12 Collections or Lotteries 12.1 No collections, games of chance, sweep stakes, lotteries or betting of any kind may be conducted at the Venue without the prior written consent of the Bookings Administrator any such consent to be at the discretion of the Council.
13. Variations to Agreement 13.1 The Council reserves the right to vary the conditions of the agreement between the Council and the Hirer where reasonably necessary at any time on 7 days’ notice in writing. Any variations so made shall be deemed to be incorporated in these Conditions. The Hirer may, within 7 days of receipt of such notice, terminate this agreement and any refund of fees and charges will be at the sole discretion of the Council.
13.2 This agreement shall not come into effect until the Bookings Administrator has approved all documents omitted and confirmed the booking in writing. 14. Commitment
14.1 The Parish Council will do its best to provide its venues in a suitable state for hire. However, the Council can’t be held responsible or liable for any circumstances or events outside of our control.
14.2 By making a booking with the Parish Council, you are automatically agreeing to these Terms and Conditions.
Terms and conditions will be reviewed annual. Last Updated: 18 June 2018
Data protection
We take our obligations under the GDPR very seriously and are transparent in how we process personal data. For full information about how we process personal data are set out on the Bookings Form Privacy Notice which can be found on the Parish Council’s website. Opt In: Please tick that you give consent for your details to be safely retained for Fair Oak & Horton Heath Parish Council administrative purposes regarding your booking. Personal details will not be shared with any third parties other than for accounting purposes. You can opt out at any time.