COVID-19 Support for Employers and Businesses
In these uncertain times we’ve pulled together some links that may be useful to local employers and businesses.
If you cannot find the information you need, please contact us at and we will do our best to help.
Government guidance to employers and businesses:
Government guidance to employers and businesses and information about financial support can be found here.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on business support grant funding
View information on the government’s Small business grants fund and retail, hospitality and leisure grant fund.
HMRC COVID-19 Helpline, 0800 0159 559, is available to support businesses and self-employed people who are worried about paying their tax bills due to Coronavirus.
Bounce back loan scheme information can be found here.
FREE Webinars to support Businesses
Hampshire Chamber of Commerce’s website has useful information to support businesses with issues relating to COVID:19. Their website can be found here.
Business support helpline:
Telephone: 0300 456 3565, Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm.
Federation of Small Businesses:
Advice to small businesses:
Government guidance for the self- employed:
The Chancellor announced on 26th March, a new Self-employment Income Support Scheme to support self-employed people who have been adversely affected by COVID-19.
GOV.UK has further details about who is eligible for the scheme and how it will work.
Self-employed people do not need to get in touch with HMRC as the scheme isn’t yet open for applications. HMRC will contact eligible customers by the beginning of June, inviting them to apply.
Public Sector Employers
South East Employers offers advice to public sector employers. Their website can be found here.
Guidance for Local Councillors
Councillors can access the Covid-19 Guidance for Councillors that was published and updated by the LGA on the 24 March 2020 here.
Be cyber aware
For advice and information regarding keeping your business safe against cyber-crime the National Cyber Security Centre has a great website with top 10 tips which can be found here.