Photo of Fair Oak Cemetery


Cemetery Search Mapping Facility

Our new cemetery search mapping facility allows you to easily search digitised burial records to find ancestors, as well as any other people of interest, and locate their grave or memorial on a digital map.

Using the search function below, simply type in the name of the person you wish to locate, then use your left mouse button to move the map around and the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out to quickly located their burial plot on the map.

Should you wish to view additional documents such as burial registers, exclusive rights of burials etc please contact the Parish Office on Wednesdays and Thursdays between 9am-1pm and our dedicated cemetery officer will be happy to help.

First Name Last Name Grave Type Plot
Leanne Davis Grave 1
Minnie Mary Toomey Grave 1
Mary Eliza Sheppard Grave 10
George Reuben Braggins Grave 100
Hilda Agnes Braggins Grave 100
Alfred Biles Grave 101
Florence Amelia Biles Grave 101
Joseph Smith Grave 102
Kate Smith Grave 102
Ellen Amelia Adey Grave 103
Frederick William Denham Grave 104
Lilian Marion Denham Grave 104
Arthur Giles Grave 105
George Henry Grant Grave 106
Gwendoline Brenda Grant Grave 106
Patricia Ann Grant Grave 106
Lillian Martin Grave 107
Robert George Martin Grave 107
Arthur Charles Dymott Grave 108
Emma Jane Dymott Grave 108
Gertrude Jane Moody Grave 109
William Moody Grave 109
Arthur Sidney Duffin Grave 11
Wiliam Duffin Grave 11
Harry Smith Grave 110
Ernest Gilbert Abbinnett Grave 111
Beatrice Webb Grave 112
Frank Percy Webb Grave 112
Emily Walker Grave 113
Herbert Henry Walker Grave 113
Alfred John otherwise (James) White Grave 114
Florence Nellie White Grave 114
Nellie Florence Rogers Grave 115
Fanny Woolnough Grave 116
Maria Mudge Grave 117
Thomas William Mudge Grave 117
Albert George Curtis Grave 118
Frances Maria Curtis Grave 118
Sarah Jane Sillence Grave 119
William George Sillence Grave 119
William John Primmer Grave 12
Catherine Priscilla Gifkins Grave 120
Rosina Elizabeth Gilbert Grave 121
Rosina Mary Gilbert Grave 121
Victor Thomas Chitty Grave 122
Florence Annie Walker Grave 123
Henry George Walker Grave 123
Winifred Florence Annie Walker Grave 123
Montague Douglas Walker Grave 124
Vernon Walker Grave 124
George Stratton Grave 125
Rosina Stratton Grave 125
Dora Eldridge Grave 126
Irene Lester Grave 127
James William Samuel Lester Grave 127
Alfred Little Grave 128
Caroline Jane Little Grave 128
Albert Atkins Grave 129
Alice Bertha Atkins Grave 129
William Lavington Grave 13
Frederick Mansell Grave 130
Sarah Elizabeth Mansell Grave 130
Percy Willstead Holloway Grave 131
Ada Anna Farrant Grave 132
Charles Robert Farrant Grave 132
Dorothy Beatrice Pym Grave 133
Eric John Leslie Pym Grave 133
John Pym Grave 133
Charles John Rogers Grave 134
Agnes Elizabeth Chalk Grave 135
Walter Chalk Grave 135
Ivy Rose Dowdy Grave 136
William Walter Frank Dowdy Grave 136
Earl Denham Grave 137
Fanny Martha Mary Denham Grave 137
Douglas Roy Ivemy Grave 138
Gladys Annabel Ivemy Grave 138
Elsie Florence Payne Grave 139
Harold Robert Payne Grave 139
Florence May Harris Grave 14
Wilfrid Christian Harris Grave 14
Beatrice Kitty Smith Grave 140
Edward Ernest Goodall Grave 141
Archur Richard Crook Grave 142
Blanch Freemantle Crook Grave 142
Janet Mary Smith Grave 143
William Smith Grave 143
Rosa Kate Philpott Grave 144
Walter Frederick Philpott Grave 144
Bertie Clark Grave 145
Gertrude Clark Grave 145
Walter George Glasspool Grave 146
Bessie June Treasure Grave 147
Percy Allan Treasure Grave 147
Rhoda Lily Spreabury Grave 148
Charles Harry Randall Grave 149
Edith Hester Annetts Grave 15
William Annetts Grave 15
Mabel Ellen Rogers Grave 150
William James Rogers Grave 150
Emma Elizabeth Primmer Grave 151
George Primmer Grave 151
Arthur Edward Eccles Grave 152
Florence Jane Eccles Grave 152
John Edgon William Jenks Grave 153
Edith Elizabeth Bishop Grave 154
George Bishop Grave 154
Gwendoline Dorothy Spreadbury Grave 155
Peter William Spreadbury Grave 155
William Louis Spreadbury Grave 155
Edith Fanny Freemantle Grave 156
Henry Freemantle Grave 156
Muriel Gladys Moger Grave 157
William Henry Light Grave 157
Charles Knapp Grave 158
Alice Latimer Grave 16
Jessie Latimer Grave 16
Violet Batey Grave 17
Walter Batey Grave 17
Caroline Mary Dumper Grave 18
George Edwin Dumper Grave 18
Athalia Barnes Grave 180
Manifold Barnes Grave 180
Harriet Barnes Grave 181
Jack Frederick Keet Grave 181
Charles Rogers Grave 182
Grace Rogers Grave 182
Ethel Florence May Grave 183
Sidney Stephen May Grave 183
Annie Rebecca Caroline Percy Grave 184
Edward John Percy Grave 184
Harriet Esther Smith Grave 185
William James Smith Grave 185
Emily Mattock Grave 186
Henry Mattock Grave 186
Norman Denzil Mattock Grave 186
Dorothy Albany Grave 187
Edmond James Albany Grave 187
Robert Edward King Grave 188
Charles Henry Sanders Grave 189
Sarah Jane Sanders Grave 189
Edith Ellen Falla Grave 19
William Falla Grave 19
Lucy Anna Duffin Grave 190
Percy Duffin Grave 190
Sydney Frank Balch Grave 191
George Harry James Golding Grave 192
Norah Louise Golding Grave 192
Nellie Knight Grave 193
William Knight Grave 193
Annie Helena Fay Grave 194
Fred Fay Grave 194
Florence Eliza Hopwell Grave 195
Frederick Hopwell Grave 195
Alfred Churcher Grave 196
Lily Agnes Churcher Grave 196
Kathleen May Pearce Grave 197
Sidney Henry Frederick Browning Grave 197
Florence Elizabeth Lampard Grave 198
Henry John Lampard Grave 198
Emma Davis Grave 199
Charles Durrant Grave 2
Annie Boyes Grave 20
Reginald John Boyes Grave 20
Lilian May Instrell Grave 200
Stanley George Instrell Grave 200
Winifred May Instrell Grave 200
Clara Annie Swash Grave 201
Jesse Swash Grave 201
Alice Louisa Thomas Grave 202
Arthur Henry Thomas Grave 202
Adah Susannah Angelina Jones Grave 203
Mary Ann Elizabeth Powell Grave 203
Donald Garnett Cole Grave 204
Phyllis Mildred Cole Grave 204
Ernest Minors Grave 205
Hubert Laspean Nepean Grave 206
Walter Charles Kimber Grave 207
Albert Palmer Grave 208
Lillian Kate Barnett Grave 209
Alice Hatch Grave 21
George Hatch Grave 21
Alice Maud Mountjoy Grave 210
George Henry Dudman Grave 211
Eveline Kate Unsworth Grave 212
Frederick Charles Unsworth Grave 212
Florence Anna May Varnes Grave 213
Francis John Valentine Varnes Grave 213
Esther Welch Grave 214
John Welch Grave 214
Fredeick James John Daly Grave 215
Gertrude May Daly Grave 215
Ada Green Grave 216
Bertie Green Grave 216
Andrew Imleck Grave 217
Caroline Sarah Imleck Grave 217
Eva Sillence Grave 218
Bernard Blackman Grave 219
Emma Blackman Grave 219
Eliza Hatch Grave 22
Thomas Edward Emery Grave 220
Alfred Sidney Chalk Grave 221
Ethel May Chalk Grave 221
Harry Reginald Grant Grave 222
William Henry James Tubbs Grave 223
Douglas John Imlach Grave 224
Kate Imlach Grave 224
Ida Dorothy Coffin Grave 225
Percy Cecil Coffin Grave 225
Mabel Elsie Prince Grave 226
George Batten Grave 227
Dorothy Sophia Payne Grave 228
Sidney Archibold Payne Grave 228
Dorothy Ellen May Hill Grave 229
Edward Pullinger Grave 23
Frances Harriet Pullinger Grave 23
Henry Elliott Grave 230
Annie Hart Grave 231
Emily Louisa Tidby Grave 232
Frank William Tidby Grave 232
Albert Edward Baker Grave 233
Gertrude Harriet Baker Grave 233
Albert May Grave 234
Louisa Kate May Grave 234
Ellen Alice Hunt Grave 235
Jeanette Ames Grave 236
Thomas Charles Ames Grave 236
Alfred Curtis Grave 237
Edward Emery Grave 238
Martha Emery Grave 238
Florence Ada Denham Grave 239
Joseph Harry Denham Grave 239
Eliza Grace Heath Grave 240
Thomas Heath Grave 240
Clara Mears Grave 241
Herbert Andrew Mears Grave 241
Dorothy Irene Swash Grave 242
Ernest Arthur Harwood Swash Grave 242
Doris Gale Grave 243
Peter William Gale Grave 243
William George Lindsay Gale Grave 243
Margaret Elizabeth Beales Grave 244
Robert Beales Grave 244
Daisy Chalke Grave 245
Walter George Chalke Grave 245
Doreen Lilian Florence Prewitt Grave 246
Frank Browning Grave 246
Lily Eliza Browning Grave 246
Percival Glasspool Grave 247
Winifred May Glasspool Grave 247
Frank Herbert Webster Grave 248
Elizabeth Jane Freemantle Grave 249
Robert Nicholas Henry Freemantle Grave 249
Arthur Scarlett Davidson Grave 25
Alfred Upson Grave 250
Harriet Caroline Jurd Grave 251
James Jurd Grave 251
Wilfred Montague Burnett Grave 252
Ethel Florence Lavington Grave 253
Percy Edward Lavington Grave 253
Joseph Shiplay Grave 254
Doris Lillie Pope Grave 255
Ena Constance Legg Grave 255
Eric Ronald Morley Grave 255
Florence Laura Morley Grave 255
Roy Bertram Morley Grave 255
Stella Morley Grave 255
Frederick Claud Tullett Grave 256
Mabel Marie Tullett Grave 256
Alfred Primmer Grave 257
Florence Curtis Grave 258
William George Gregory Grave 259
George A Davidson Grave 26
John Edward Davidson Grave 26
Nellie Winifred Davidson Grave 26
Olive Rosemary Davidson Grave 26
Grace Doreen Christina Dunning Grave 260
Leonard Dunning Grave 260
Donald Chidlre Cameron Grave 261
Grace Mary Cameron Grave 261
Esther Grace Nichols Grave 262
William Nichols Grave 262
Lottie Baker Grave 263
Eva Marie Rustell Grave 264
Geroge Bertram Rustell Grave 264
Lorna Millicent Baker Grave 264
Walter Light Grave 265
Alexander King-Walker Grave 266
Dorothy Fanny King-Walker Grave 266
Sidney Thomas George Sillience Grave 267
June Corbin Grave 268
Arthur Reginald Guy Grave 269
Arthur Thomas Hallett Grave 27
Lavinia Mary Eliza Hallett Grave 27
Priscilla Bendall Grave 270
Frederick James Butt Grave 271
Lily Rose Butt Grave 271
Edwin Frank Glasspool Grave 272
May Glasspool Grave 272
Hazel Edna Smith Grave 273
Edward Benjamin Hunt Grave 274
Kate Steele Grave 275
Sidney Steele Grave 275
Gordon John Davis Grave 276
Mabel Winifred Jurd Grave 276
Winifred Mary Davis Grave 276
Annie Selina Jurd Grave 277
Charles James Jurd Grave 277
Florence Fanny Hunt Grave 278
Ellen May Grave 279
Walter May Grave 279
Daisy Alice Bailey Grave 28
Paricia Alberta Morel Grave 28
Alfred Primmer Grave 280
Charles Emery Grave 281
Ethel Christina Emery Grave 281
William Amber Grave 282
Albert Walter Carter Grave 283
Edith May Carter Grave 283
Jessie Rose Annie Webb Grave 284
William James Webb Grave 284
Ethel Maud Rutter Grave 285
Frederick John Rutter Grave 285
Barbara Joan James Grave 286
Thomas Hammond Grave 286
Alfred George James Batchelor Grave 287
Ivy Beatrice Gwendoline Batchelor Grave 287
Mark Scott Grave 288
Frederick Robert James Raymond Grave 289
Kathleen Betty Raymond Grave 289
Charles Thomas Akhurst Grave 29
Ada Sarah Anne Pascoe Grave 290
Winstone Palmer Pascoe Grave 290
Cecilia Marshall Grave 291
Frederick George Monay Grave 291
Ellen Yabslay Grave 292
William John Yabslay Grave 292
Gertrude Rose Osman Grave 293
Thomas William Osman Grave 293
Guisippi Balloto Grave 294
James Gerald Fowle Grave 295
Violet Edith Fowle Grave 295
Ann Louisa May Nias Grave 296
James Fred Nias Grave 296
Ethel May Goater Grave 297
Walter Leonard Goater Grave 297
Charles James Tubb Grave 298
Julie Lottie Tubb Grave 298
Edith Dorothy Atkins Grave 299
Herbert Henry Atkins Grave 299
Charles Andrew Wills Grave 3
Gertrude Theresa Wills Grave 3
Harriet Emily Frances Puckett Grave 30
Albert Raymond Grave 300
Kate Denham Grave 301
Percival Harry Denham Grave 301
Florence Ellen King Grave 302
Vernon King Grave 302
Kathleen Alice Hatt Grave 303
Reginald Charles Joseph Hatt Grave 303
Ernest Walton Abbott Grave 304
Irene Adaline Abbott Grave 304
Annie Florence Caroline Mace Grave 305
Harold William Mace Grave 305
Dorothy Gwyneth Boyes Grave 306
John Reginald Boyes Grave 306
Anne Weston-Bulpitt Grave 307
Dennis Frederick Bulpitt Grave 307
Doris May Bulpitt Grave 307
Dorothy Kathleen Dawkins Grave 308
Harry Albert Dawkins Grave 308
Leonard Francis Snow Grave 309
Netta Snow Grave 309
Annie Kingswell Grave 31
Robert Frank Kingswell Grave 31
Alice Emily Kinchinton Grave 310
Ernest William Kinchinton Grave 310
Graham Patrick Mountford Grave 311
William George Norton Grave 312
Flora Annie Webb Grave 313
William Webb Grave 313
Edward Victor Alexander Morley Grave 314
Gilbert Morley Grave 314
Rosina Morley Grave 314
Eileen Bessie Hall Grave 315
Percy Edward James Hall Grave 315
Alice Harriet Holloway Grave 316
Edith Stevens Grave 316
Walter George Holloway Grave 316
George James Sims Grave 317
Jessie Hilda Evelyn Sims Grave 317
Kenneth Edward Whittingham Grave 318
Kevin Whittenham Grave 318
Bessie Kathleen Perren Grave 319
Robert James Perren Grave 319
Mary Hutton Grave 32
Thomas Hutton Grave 32
Frederick Brownen Grave 320
Horace Thomas Hall Grave 321
Violet Ellen Cooper formerly Hall Grave 321
Kenneth Christopher Harris Grave 322
Dorothy Lewis Grave 323
George James Lewis Grave 323
Gladys Mabel Gardner Grave 324
Sidney Walter Frederick Fardner Grave 324
Arthur Frederick Eades Grave 325
Edith Annie Eades Grave 325
Hilda Maud Mears Grave 326
Theodore Mears Grave 326
Aubrey Robert May Grave 327
Mildred Alice Elizabeth Coad Grave 329
Stanley Robert Coad Grave 329
George Ulyatt Brook Grave 33
Lily Jane Brook Grave 33
David Lewis Grave 330
Elsie Lillian Ethel Lewis Grave 330
Edmund E Weller Grave 331
Violet May Weller Grave 331
Alfred George Clark Grave 332
James Thomas Squibb Grave 333
Violet Emily Ada Squibb Grave 333
Hilda Anne Morant Grave 334
Jill Mary Morant Grave 334
Michael Harry Morant Grave 334
Charles Richard Lewis Grave 335
Jessie Louise Lewis Grave 335
Francis Mary Ann Tammadge Grave 336
Henry Tammadge Grave 336
Albert Reginald Alford Grave 337
Doris Mabel Alford Grave 337
Sydney Walter Chalk Grave 338
Lily Steele Grave 339
Agnes Elizabeth Anderson Grave 34
Christopher William Anderson Grave 34
Dorothy Angela Agnes Anderson Grave 34
James Lyne Pomery Grave 340
Mabel Pomery Grave 340
Lilian Ranshaw Mason Grave 341
Alice Amy Philpott Grave 342
Arthur Philpott Grave 342
Clara Beatrice Pearson Grave 344
Alfred Douglas Godwin Grave 345
Charles George Godwin Grave 345
Fanny Dorothy Godwin Grave 345
Mabel Winifred Godwin Grave 345
Brenda Marsh Grave 346
William Smith Grave 349
Nellie Miller Grave 35
Richard Miller Grave 35
Violet Paticia Pearce Grave 350
William Pearce Grave 350
Elsie Louisa Sheppard Grave 351
Godfrey Harold Sheppard Grave 351
Doris Florence (Flossie) Brown Grave 352
William Charles Brown Grave 352
Edith May Allen Grave 353
Leslie Gordon Allen Grave 353
Stanley Boyes Grave 354
Alice May Hazell Grave 355
Cecil Gordon Hazel Grave 355
Lilian Olive Sexton Fowles Grave 356
William Percival Fowles Grave 356
Arthur Samuel Garrett Grave 357
Louise Ellen Garratt Grave 357
Edwin James Powell Grave 358
Elsie Matilda Powell Grave 358
Eveline May Slater Grave 359
Hugh Randolph Francis Slater Grave 359
Clement Arthur Guy Grave 36
David Arthur Guy Grave 36
Elizabeth Mary Guy Grave 36
Florence Emily Guy Grave 36
William Thomas Guy Grave 36
Benjiman Horace Barber Grave 360
Frederick Charles Bundy Grave 361
Anne Mason Grave 362
Dennis Mason Grave 362
Ada Mary Whatley Grave 363
Catherine Mary Whatley Grave 363
Edward James Valentine Whatley Grave 363
Roy Edward Whatley Grave 363
Githa Anne Mears Grave 364
Clifford Jack Andrews Grave 365
Mary Bridget Andrews Grave 365
Doris Lilian Maxwell Grave 366
Gilbert Maxwell Grave 366
Allen Stanley Henry Robinson Grave 367
Hilda Rose Robinson Grave 367
Clifford Robert Raymond Grave 368
Rosemary Joyce Raymond Grave 368
William George Raymond Grave 368
Beatrice Barfoot Grave 369
Reginald Barfoot Grave 369
Tom Collins Grave 37
Beatrice May Corrie Grave 370
Reginald Turley Grave 370
Rona Edwina Alicia Gosden Grave 371
Elsie Joan Woods-Jennings Grave 372
Henry Willie Woods-Jennings Grave 372
Oliver Charles Farrant Grave 373
Frances Eliza Andron Grave 374
Percy Richard Andron Grave 374
Gladys Fifould Wareham Grave 375
Reginald Edward Wareham Grave 375
Aubrey John Davis Grave 376
Victoria Elsie Charlotte Davis Grave 376
James Hunter Grave 377
Charles Albert Elgar Hayes Grave 378
Phyllis Alice Hayes Grave 378
Alfred George Sillence Grave 379
Dorothy Rose Sillence Grave 379
Frederick William Anderson Grave 38
Violet Lilian Anderson Grave 38
Leslie Pemberton Grave 380
Violet Lilian Pemberton Grave 380
Josephine Nias Grave 381
William Thomas Cooper Nias Grave 381
John Joseph Curran Grave 382
Beryl Ruth Broomfield Grave 383
Malcolm Edwin Vincent Grave 384
Susan Vincent Grave 384
Beatrice Emily Catherine Tubb Grave 385
Ronald Charles Stephen Tubb Grave 385
Stamatia Barker Grave 386
Mary Winifred Williams Grave 387
William George Williams Grave 387
Agnes Boundy Grave 388
Florence May Powell Grave 389
Ellen Cooper Grave 39
William Richard Cooper Grave 39
Daisy Thomas Grave 390
Harold Arthur Robert Thomas Grave 390
James Sidney Reginald Reynolds Grave 391
Joyceline Edith Reynolds Grave 391
Peggy Eileen Boyes Grave 392
Ronald Boyes Grave 392
Irene Acourt Grave 393
Ronald John Reginald Acourt Grave 393
Maud Caroline Trudy Maynard Grave 394
Stephen Maynard Grave 394
Gwendoline Alice Shaw Grave 395
Thomas Jobert Shaw Grave 395
Kathleen Hilda Hart Grave 396
Annie Isabel Bundy Grave 397
Percy Bundy Grave 397
Clara Alice Baker Grave 398
Victor Ernest Henry Baker Grave 398
Olive Jefferies Grave 399
William Frederick Jefferies Grave 399
William John Harrison Grave 4
Henry Maidment Grave 40
Martha Ann Maidment Grave 40
Kathleen Violet Bristow Grave 400
Reginald Bristow Grave 400
Allan Douglas Powell Grave 401
Arthur Edwin Digweed Grave 402
Hilda Constance Digweed Grave 402
William Walter Cook Grave 403
John James Couch Grave 404
Winifred Lucretia Couch Grave 404
Margaret Ellen Carroll Grave 405
Thomas William Carroll Grave 405
Benjamin Crimp Grave 406
Beryl Pomeroy Crimp Grave 406
George William Edwin Collyer Grave 407
Lilian May Collyer Grave 407
Daisy Gertrude Annie Scammell Grave 408
John Henry Scammell Grave 408
Doris Scammell Grave 409
Percy John Scammell Grave 409
Douglas James Maidment Grave 41
Allan Bernard Jackson Grave 410
Edward Driscoll Grave 410
Margaret Louise Driscoll Grave 410
Barbara Carole Day Grave 411
Maldwyn Jones Grave 411
Edith Mabel Cody Grave 412
Harry Albert Cody Grave 412
Dorothy May Redfern Grave 413
Myrtle Victoria Annie Strugnell Grave 414
William Thomas Strugnell Grave 414
Donald Henry Cunningham Grave 415
Iris Ruth Cunningham Grave 415
Florence May Chitty Grave 416
William Ernest Chitty Grave 416
Amy Patterson Grave 417
William Alexander Patterson Grave 417
Albert Edward Merritt Grave 418
Frederick Henry Spencer Grave 419
Margaret Barnett Grave 42
Percy Allan Gray Grave 42
Irene Gladys Margaret Bennett Grave 420
Reginald Bennett Grave 420
Henry James Alfred Ayres Grave 421
Edith Rose Morley Grave 422
Gilbert James Morley Grave 422
Elisabeth Treasure Grave 423
Robert Hugh Treasure Grave 423
John Frederick William Godsmark Grave 424
Sylvia Glynn Godsmark Grave 424
Norman James Weavil Grave 425
Rosa Winifred Weavil Grave 425
George Albert Gibbens Grave 426
Mabel Gibbens Grave 426
Brenda Lucy Joyce Harding Grave 427
Henry William Harding Grave 427
Arthur William Phippen (Tippen) Grave 428
Harriet Lucy Phippen Grave 428
Mary Isabella Young Grave 429
Edwin Cecil Holloway Grave 43
Lilian Alice Holloway Grave 43
Lena Ivy Thelma Heath Grave 430
Thomas Henry Heath Grave 430
Arthur James Crook Grave 431
Ivy Emily Nellie Crook Grave 431
Sidney Herbert Gale Grave 432
Cecil Harold John Reynolds Grave 433
Margaret Amelia Penney Grave 434
Ethel Maud Ware Grave 435
George Thomas Ware Grave 435
Edward John Ryan Grave 436
Monica Hilda Ryan Grave 436
Ena Elizabeth Herridge Grave 437
Victor George Herridge Grave 437
Mary Maria Smith Grave 438
Arthur Edward Lambert Grave 44
Emily Kathleen May Henstredge Grave 440
Roy Harry Henstredge Grave 440
Linda Phyllis Nellie Lacet Grave 441
Hilda Dean Grave 442
Robert Singleton Dean Grave 442
Rosina Brandham Grave 443
Harold John Brandham Grave 444
Lily Joyce Harding Grave 445
Beryl Udycz Grave 446
Ellen Mary Udycz Grave 446
Joan Emily Toms Grave 447
Sidney W Toms Grave 447
Alice Lavinia Toms Grave 448
David Edward Carmichael Grave 449
Edna Carmichael Grave 449
Blanche Annie Hopkins Grave 45
Charles William Hopkins Grave 45
Annie Gallacher Armour Grave 450
John Joseph Armour Grave 450
Agnes Ruth Haswell Grave 451
Albert Alexander Haswell Grave 451
Leslie Edwin Powell Grave 452
Mary Powell Grave 452
Albert Storr Grave 453
Sidney John Glasspool Grave 454
Trevor Charles Corp Grave 455
Edith Mary Vincent Grave 456
Doris Hendry Grave 457
Gladys Rowley Grave 458
Alma White Grave 459
Lena May White Grave 459
Fanny Louisa Reeves Grave 46
William Edward Reeves Grave 46
Hector John Uphill Grave 460
Margaret Alice Uphill Grave 460
George Howitt Dickie Grave 462
Mabel Emily Dickie Grave 462
Alfred Walter Kimber Grave 463
Minnie Florence Sweet Kimber Grave 463
Della Elsie Alice Jones Grave 464
Frederick John Jones Grave 464
Doreen Sheryl Dovey Grave 465
Cyril Cornelius Grave 466
Lilian Frances Cornelius Grave 466
Alice Gwendoline Randall Grave 467
Ernest John Randall Grave 467
David Longfellow Grave 468
Charles Ernest Luff Grave 469
Florence May Jane Luff Grave 469
Beatrice Martha Gotch Grave 47
Emily Florence Harvey Grave 470
Florence May Gamble Grave 471
Harry H Gamble Grave 471
Frederick Wield Grave 472
Kathleen Emily Wield Grave 472
Alice Gertrude Hobbs Grave 473
Henry John Hobbs Grave 473
Benjamin William David Morley Grave 474
Rosina May Wilkins Grave 476
Rowland Frederick Wilkins Grave 476
Anne Leah Hammond Grave 477
Robert Hammond Grave 477
Gladys Dorothy Fry Grave 478
James Albert Fry Grave 478
Kathleen Margaret Treasure Grave 479
Violet Mary White Grave 479
Flora Augusta Macdonald Routh Grave 48
Reginald Francis John Routh Grave 48
Paul Hayden Holloway Grave 481
Robin Anthony Truepenny Grave 482
Catherine Marie Marsh Grave 483
Ernest Roy Marsh Marsh Grave 483
Sheila Ann Bishop Grave 484
Clifford Peter Pratt Grave 485
Stephen Edward May Grave 486
Dorothy Violet Avery Grave 487
Abel William Chowen Grave 488
Constance Mary Aviey Grave 489
Catherine Denham Grave 49
Edward Denham Grave 49
Glayds Bastin Grave 490
Leonard Bastin Grave 490
Leslie William George Gale Grave 491
Minnie Gale Grave 491
Walter George Holloway Grave 492
Archibald Charles Robert Lavington Grave 493
Molly Josephine Lavington Grave 493
Stephen Michael McRobert Grave 496
Ethel Winkworth Grave 498
William Charles Winkworth Grave 498
William John Hewitt Grave 499
Charles Abraham May Grave 5
John Green Grave 50
Unity Green Grave 50
Elsie Frances Hewitt Grave 500
Ann Wield Grave 5000COM
Caroline Chambers Grave 5000COM
Charles Boyes Grave 5000COM
David Wield Grave 5000COM
Edwin Randall Grave 5000COM
Emma Cross Grave 5000COM
Emma White Grave 5000COM
Frances Berridge Grave 5000COM
George Gay Grave 5000COM
Hannah Lawrence Grave 5000COM
Harriet Boyes Grave 5000COM
James Snellgrove Grave 5000COM
John Lawrence Grave 5000COM
Mary Dawkins Grave 5000COM
Mary Twynham Grave 5000COM
Phoebe Aylward Grave 5000COM
Phoebe Gay Grave 5000COM
Rachael Snellgrove Grave 5000COM
Sarah Randall Grave 5000COM
Thomas Twynham Grave 5000COM
Charles Victor Butt Grave 501
Ellen Maud Richardson Grave 502
Robert James Richardson Grave 502
Albert Rowen May Grave 504
Antony David Gulliver Grave 506
Clare Margaret Gulliver Grave 506
Charles Douglas Gash Grave 507
Peggy Julia Gash Grave 507
Alan Sutherland Corrie Grave 508
Ethel Violet Ruth Holloway Grave 509
Annie Louise Lipscomb Grave 51
George Edward Lipscomb Grave 51
Raymond Harold Lawrence Grave 510
Elizabeth Una Milligan Grave 511
James Crombie Milligan Grave 511
Phyllis Majorie Beeden Grave 512
William Henry George Beeden Grave 512
Evelyn Celia Mary Featherstone Grave 513
Thomas Frederick Featherstone Grave 513
Kate Charlotte Seal Grave 514
Frank May Grave 515
Mary Catherine May Grave 515
Dorothy Kate Crouchr Grave 516
William George Barron Grave 517
Eileen Clara Barron Grave 518
Henry Spreadbury Grave 519
Mary Cecilia Spreadbury Grave 519
Gladys Gertrude Carpenter Grave 52
Rose Brenda Carpenter Grave 52
Dorothy Mary Alford Grave 520
Malcolm Alan Alford Grave 520
Grace Drew Grave 521
Barbara Dove-Dixon Grave 522
Gordon Uttley Grave 523
Harold Boyes Grave 524
John Yeomans Grave 525
Donald George Walker Grave 526
Elsie Elizabeth Ashworth Grave 527
Elsie May Grave 527
Frederick Kenneth Vaughan Evans Grave 528
Patricia May Evans Grave 528
Aves Short Grave 53
William Short Grave 53
Margaret Cameron Ponton Brunsdon Grave 530
Sidney Arthur Brunsdon Grave 530
Frank Stacey Grave 531
Winifred Alice Stacey Grave 531
Barbara Jean Whittaker Grave 532
Eric Gordon Whittaker Grave 532
Frederick Richard Lines Grave 533
Lilian Lines Grave 533
Christopher Maurice Appleton Grave 534
Susan Jean Appleton Grave 534
Lillian Maud Hedger Grave 535
Hebe Mona White Grave 536
Robert Edward White Grave 536
Elizabeth Cole Grave 537
Henry Cole Grave 537
Thomas Cole Grave 538
Gertrude May Cole Grave 539
William Cole Grave 539
Annie Louisa Shilley Grave 54
Henry Shilley Grave 54
Alfred Brewer Grave 540
Ivy Brittannia Brewer Grave 540
Jean Rogers Grave 541
William Elton Dennis Grave 542
Maurice Hunt Grave 543
Andrew John Chivers Grave 544
Violet Chivers Grave 544
Jean Lily Ada Milman Grave 545
John Frederick Harding Grave 546
Joseph Barnes Grave 547
George Barnes Grave 548
Louisa Barnes Grave 548
George Barnes Grave 549
Cecil John Kitchener Butt Grave 55
Reginald Harold Butt Grave 55
Gwendoline Dorothy May Grave 550
Raymond Alfred May Grave 550
Queenie Eileen Maidment Grave 551
Reginald Leslie Maidment Grave 551
Lilian Rhoda Mandry Grave 552
Margaret Mary Healey Grave 552
David John Hall Grave 553
Albert John Smith Grave 554
Myrtle Jane Smith Grave 554
Albert John Dolton Grave 555
Freda Rose Dolton Grave 555
Walter George Woodson Grave 555
Eric John Simms Grave 556
Miriam Joyce Simms Grave 556
June Elizabeth Mason Grave 557
William Herbert Mason Grave 557
Emily Barney Grave 559
John Barney Grave 559
Christina Janet Mears Grave 56
Frederic Mears Grave 56
Reuben Barney Grave 560
Lavinia Britania Rogers Grave 561
Peter Walter Rogers Grave 561
Marjori Phillis Burnett Grave 562
Dorothy Elizabeth Read Grave 57
Alice May Henrietta Hopwell Grave 58
Basil Frederick Hopwell Grave 58
Arthur Charles Powell Grave 59
Nellie Powell Grave 59
Jessie Clanfield otherwise Bennett Grave 6
William Bennett or Clanfield Grave 6
Florence Louise Piercey Grave 60
Thomas Edwin Piercey Grave 60
Lloyd George Nias Grave 600
Queenie May Nias Grave 600
Henry Charles Spearing Grave 601
Andrew John Somerville Grave 602
Andrew Kieran Somerville Grave 602
Betty Winifred Sim Grave 604
Dennis James Sim Grave 604
Alan Malcolm Felix Stratta Grave 605
Barbara Elizabeth Pearl Stratta Grave 605
Elsie Frances Hart Grave 606
Herbert John Hart Grave 606
Leslie Davie Evans Grave 608
Mary Evans Grave 608
Katherine Mary Evans Grave 609
Flora White Grave 61
William White Grave 61
Charles Richard Cooper Grave 610
Maria Cooper Grave 610
Edith Peney Grave 611
Horace Penney Grave 611
Terence Peter Robinson Grave 612
Arthur James Linsell Grave 613
Georgina Linda Olive Linsell Grave 613
Joan Hicks Grave 614
Robert Hicks Grave 614
David Christopher Nias Grave 616
Derek Aslett Grave 618
Monica Susan Aslett Grave 618
Edwin Frank Nias Grave 619
Violet Mary Nias Grave 619
Edith Nora Palmer Grave 62
William Palmer Grave 62
Mable Doris Richards Grave 620
Leslie Richards Grave 621
Ernest Elwin Grave 622
Joseph Singleton Grave 626
Mary Singleton Grave 627
Paul Benedict Singleton Grave 628
Edward Twitchin Grave 63
Joseph George Morrough-Bernard Grave 630
Nancy Mary Morrough-Bernard Grave 630
Edward Barney Grave 631
Gertrude Barney Grave 631
David Stanley Taylor Grave 632
Iris Patricia Hughes Grave 632
Michael David Taylor Grave 632
John Edwin Houghton Grave 633
Annie Alice Airey Grave 634
John Barnard Grave 635
Madeline Sonia Barnard Grave 635
Samuel Smith Grave 636
Raymond Leonard Ryder Grave 637
Olive Louise Treasure Grave 638
William Geoffrey Treasure Grave 639
Fred Rendall Grave 64
Thomas Shannon Mccolm Grave 640
Neil Francis Shakespeare Grave 641
Richard Hubert Hank Bedford Grave 642
Alfred George Pitman Grave 643
Isabel Pitman Grave 643
Irene Muriel Constance Gosney Grave 644
Josephine Mary Donohoe Grave 645
Dudley Ernest George Brown Grave 646
Sheila Maisie Brown Grave 646
Gertrude Aloysia "Carol" Hunt Grave 647
Jean Marian Mosley Grave 649
Edith Ann Newman Grave 65
Henry Charles Parsons Grave 650
Elsa Viola Keith-Reid Grave 651
Frederick Nelson Keith-Reid Grave 651
John Acourt Grave 652
Clara Randall Grave 653
Ernest William Frederick Randall Grave 653
Dora May Felgate Grave 654
Robert Thomas Felgate Grave 654
Mildred Daisy Fay Grave 655
Beatrice Josephine Jones Grave 656
Carol Ann Rogers Grave 657
Gilbert Frank Morley Grave 658
Oona Morley Grave 658
Hisham Abdil Rahini Nabulsi Grave 659
James William Sillence Grave 66
Harold Stanger Grave 660
Irene Florence Stanger Grave 660
Jennifer Cynthia Cox Grave 661
Madeline Betty Jurd Grave 662
Thomas Arthur William Jurd Grave 662
May Louise Dunn Grave 664
William George Dunn Grave 664
Loretta Ann Joan Winter Grave 665
Gina Phipps Grave 667
Elizabeth Gordon Treasure Grave 668
Hubert Percy Treasure Grave 668
Colin Michael Hall Grave 669
Henry Walter Chandler Grave 67
David Baugh Grave 670
Margaret Hodgetts Grave 671
Joan Tuckwell Grave 672
Reginald John Tuckwell Grave 672
Phyllis Margaret Clark Grave 673
Robert Clark Grave 674
Ernest Edmond Michael Hogsflesh Grave 675
Harriet Matilda Hogsflesh Grave 675
Arthur Charles Hewett Grave 676
Allan Gordon Fay Grave 677
Sandra Jane Marlow Grave 678
Ena Mabel Dye Grave 679
Ernest Dye Grave 679
Emily Duffin Grave 68
Henry Duffin Grave 68
Diana Alice Anderson Grave 680
Leonard Patrick John Anderson Grave 680
John Richard White Grave 681
Brenda Gwendoline Bailey Grave 682
Godfrey Charles Thomas Bailey Grave 682
Arthur Bennett Grave 683
Iris Mary Bennett Grave 683
Robbie John Keast Grave 684
Gwendoline Mary Coombs Grave 686
Terence Howard Coombs Grave 686
Mary Elizabeth Webber Grave 687
Joe Henry Freemantle Grave 688
Patricia Margaret Mary Freemantle Grave 688
Colin John Digweed Grave 689
William Tom Newton Grave 69
David Michael Reddington Grave 690
Fay Susan Reddington Grave 690
Alec Horace Bennett Grave 691
Edna Dorothy Bennett Grave 691
Desmond Alec Bennett Bennett Grave 692
George Joseph Maton Grave 693
Kathleen Maton Grave 693
Joan Winifred Sharman Grave 694
Reginald Sharman Grave 694
Agnes Irene Bristol Grave 695
Kenneth Ames Grave 696
Olive May Ames Grave 696
Nellie Curtis Grave 697
Jill Georgina Grist Grave 698
Ronald George Grist Grave 698
Florence Pearce Grave 7
Thomas Pearce Grave 7
Ann Selina Bishop Grave 70
Louisa Dew Grave 70
Freda May Porta Grave 700
Stephen Anthony Jarvis Grave 701
Walter Easterby Grave 702
Jean Winifred May Easterby Grave 703
Derek Frederick Hillyer Grave 704
Ruth Woodall Grave 705
Deborah McGowan Grave 706
Maurice Patrick Mountjoy Grave 707
Arthur John Hanks Grave 708
Betty Augusta Cummings Grave 709
Evelyn Ruth Baugh Grave 71
Harry Baugh Grave 71
George Ernest Ivan Stacey Grave 711
Irene May Stacey Grave 711
Robert Charles Flake Grave 713
Vera Joan Flake Grave 713
Brenda Joan Robbie Grave 714
John Fairlie Robbie Grave 714
Douglas Vernon Cussen Grave 715
Eileen Rosemary Cussen Grave 715
Norman George Hart Grave 716
Una Joyce Hart Grave 716
Edwin Stanley Grave 717
Joyce May Jean Edwards Grave 718
Kirsty Jane Dennis Grave 718
Elizabeth Gray Grave 72
William Ernest Gray Grave 72
Isabel Evans Grave 720
Alan George Parsons Grave 722
Stanley Dick Frank Dodd Grave 723
Audrey Florida Smith Grave 724
Frederick Charles Smith Grave 724
Samuel James Tarling Grave 725
Sheila L Sammons Grave 726
Gladys Maude Varnes Grave 727
Cecil Rowland MacClure Grave 728
Norma MacClure Grave 728
John Augustus Reed Grave 729
Margaret Monica Reed Grave 729
Doris Mary Boyes Grave 73
Margaret Ruth Gregory Grave 73
Roy Edwin Gosden Grave 730
Terrence David Carroll Grave 731
Carroll Carroll Grave 732
Lola Richardson Grave 733
John Joseph Colman Grave 734
Duncan David Gilchrist Grave 735
Hilda Fry Grave 736
Andrew "Dickie" Barney Grave 737
Alice Smith Grave 739
Ambrose Smith Grave 739
Martha Freemantle Grave 74
Rodney Ablert Alford Grave 740
Vera Gladys Prothero Grave 741
John Wesley Grave 742
Matilda Louisa Wesley Grave 742
Jeffrey Alan Poole Grave 743
James William Nigel Herbert Grave 745
Albert Healey Grave 746
Elizabeth Healey Grave 746
Alice Ellen Morton Grave 747
Lorna Hanks Grave 748
Douglas William Hay Grave 749
Helen McCulloch Hay Grave 749
Charlotte Smith Grave 75
Robert Smith Grave 75
Terence Graham Paul Loveridge Grave 750
Alva Mavoun White Grave 751
Sidney Edward White Grave 751
Gladys Lilian Nichols Grave 752
Roy Gordon Nichols Grave 752
Keith Denham Grave 753
Marlene Joan Beatrice Denham Grave 753
Rosina Ivy Seden Grave 754
William George Seden Grave 754
Myrtle Doreen Crane Grave 755
A Hine Grave 756
Joan Bernadette Long Grave 758
Florence Annie Ames Grave 759
Elsie May Packham Grave 76
Beryl Mildred Gilbertson Grave 760
John Dawson Gilbertson Grave 760
Elizabeth Skinner Grave 761
Dennis Arnold France Grave 763
Frances France Grave 763
Jane Ann Neil Grave 764
Douglas Stanley Harmer Grave 765
Maureen Edwards Grave 768
Paul Edwards Grave 768
Laurence Hagger Bonest Grave 77
Betty Margaret Lewis Grave 770
Cedrick William Cecil Harris Grave 771
Margaritta Jacqueline Harris Grave 771
Clara Winifred Robins Grave 772
John Raymond Robins Grave 772
Iris Lorraine Tate (Stevens) Grave 773
Alan Michael Bowden Grave 774
Molly Joan Chalk Grave 775
Ronald Walter Thomas Chalk Grave 775
Sarah Louise Barlex Grave 778
Melvyn John Goater Grave 779
Thomas Walter Norman Goater Grave 779
Alice Osgood Grave 78
Elias David Osgood Grave 78
Agnes Campbell Orrell Grave 780
John William Orrell Grave 780
Rosemarie Gatrell Grave 781
Deborah Jane Atkins Grave 782
Edward Terence Driscoll Grave 783
Gwendoline Margaret Flint Grave 783
Margurite Elsie Middleton Grave 784
Victor Arthur Middleton Grave 784
Martin Boyes Grave 785
Valerie Boyes Grave 785
Suzanne Jayne Sharpe Grave 786
John Edward Nowik Grave 787
Terence John Stanton Grave 788
Dorothy Jackson Grave 789
Norman Myles Jackson Grave 789
Kenneth Caplin Grave 79
Betty Ilse Godsel Grave 790
Patricia Mary Constable Grave 791
Richard John Constable Grave 791
Joan Winifred Dodd Grave 792
Estella Mackenzie Grave 793
Gordon Charles Mackenzie Grave 793
Barbara Elsie Hunt Grave 794
Vernon Thomas Hunt Grave 794
Charles Phillip Harris Grave 795
Alexander Findlay Clark Grave 796
Dorothy Elizabeth Clark Grave 796
Dorothy Jewkes Grave 797
Joseph Jewkes Grave 797
Henry Stanley Coad Grave 798
Margaret Coad Grave 798
Geoffrey Edward Humphreys Owen Grave 799
Joan Rosalind Owen Grave 799
Lydia Gibbs Grave 8
Clara Jane Brunsdon Grave 80
Stephen James Brunsdon Grave 80
Arthor William Seabrook Grave 800
Brian Claude Lole Grave 803
Doreen Alice Lole Grave 803
Odette Lole Grave 803
Joan Walker Grave 804
Reuben George Robin Walker Grave 804
Beatrice Mary Hayward Grave 805
David Charles Adams Grave 806
George Hudson Grave 807
Rose Marie Hudson Grave 807
Doris May Thorne Grave 808
Jayne Anne Farmer Grave 809
Peter John Farmer Grave 809
Alice Fanny Maria Denham Grave 81
Mervin Pomery Grave 810
Geoffrey Laurence Cox Grave 811
Gerard John Morahan Grave 812
Joan Ethel Slater Grave 813
Joan Tucknott Grave 814
Marion Elizabeth Shewry Grave 815
Ralph James Shewry Grave 815
Rebecca Anne Adams Grave 816
Linda Jennifer O'Rourke Grave 817
Edward Raymond Goodall Grave 818
Hazel May Goodall Grave 818
Roger Michael Smith Grave 819
Emma Rose Hounsham Grave 82
Tom Hounsham Grave 82
Valerie Ann Cargill Grave 820
Jesse Edward White Grave 821
Mary Leandra Barnes Grave 822
John Louis Alford Grave 823
Michael Denis Hobson Grave 824
Freda otherwise Freedom Brewer Grave 825
Jack Jacobs Grave 826
Margaret Goater Grave 827
Dennis Edward Dagnell Grave 828
Hazel Pauline Dagnell Grave 828
Anna Maria Smith Grave 829
Henry John Smith Grave 829
Florence May Hunt Grave 83
Herbert William Hunt Grave 83
Henry Parkin otherwise Harry Teasdale Grave 830
Andrian Roger Hart Grave 831
Evelyn Doris Fletcher Grave 832
Ronald Fletcher Grave 832
Graham Healey Grave 833
Linda Lorraine Oldrieve Grave 834
Norman Crenol Grave 835
Graham Stoneham Morey Grave 836
Michael Eric Crane Grave 837
Michael John Short Grave 838
Lesley Barrett Grave 839
Albert Edmonds Grave 84
Raymond Henry Thomas Lee Grave 840
Kenneth Percival Williams Grave 841
Rosalyn Mary Martin Grave 842
Arthur Edward Cooper Grave 843
Jean Edwyna Ann Cooper Grave 843
Geoffrey Martin Winn Grave 844
Linda Brown Grave 845
Erica Sylvia Alford Grave 846
Michael Franklin John Evans Grave 847
David Sidney Snuggs Grave 848
Barbara Marilyn Clark Grave 849
Richard Stanley Clark Grave 849
William Henry Bear Grave 85
Adetutu Aburime Grave 850
Samuel Oliver Gray Grave 851
Colin Bridgeman Grave 852
Christopher Anthony Morrogh-Bernard Grave 853
Frederick John Newey Grave 854
Valerie Margaret Newey Grave 854
Jeanne Rita Cusack Grave 855
Charles Anthony Pople Grave 856
Patricia Ann otherwise known as Ann Pople Pople Grave 856
Alfred Clark Grave 86
Edith Clark Grave 86
Cynthia Raymond Grave 87
Frederick Raymond Grave 87
Emily Louisa Butler Grave 88
Henry Charles Butler Grave 88
Charles Robert Ball Grave 89
Dora Elsie Ball Grave 89
Edwin Parker Woolgan Grave 9
Lily Lavinia Woolgan Grave 9
Sarah Ann Freemantle Grave 90
Bessie Sarah Collins Grave 91
Edwin Collins Grave 91
Charlotte French Grave 92
Richard French Grave 92
Harry Laishley Grave 93
Sarah Laishley Grave 93
Frederick William Bennett Grave 94
Gladys Bennett Grave 94
Doris Stratton Grave 95
Charles Ernest Thickbroom Grave 96
Charlott Elizabeth Thickbroom Grave 96
Clara Maria Whitfield Grave 97
Frederick Ernest Whitfield Grave 97
Ethel Lavinia Larcombe Grave 98
William Thomas Larcombe Grave 98
Daisy Juliet Patrick Grave 99
John William Godwin Cremated C1
Evelyn Minnie Elliott Cremated C10
Phillip Edward Elliott Cremated C10
Irene Walkden Cremated C100
Kenneth Harold Walkden Cremated C100
Gerald (Gerry) David Blaxall Cremated C102
Jean Patricia Blaxall Cremated C102
James Patrick Silvester Cremated C103
Joan Kathleen Silvester Cremated C103
Leonard Exall Cremated C104
David Rourke Cremated C105
Majorie Joyce Targett Cremated C106
Robert Targett Cremated C106
Lily Dorothy May Cross Cremated C107
Millicent Louise Randell Cremated C108
Gladys Wells Cremated C109
Shirley Ann Wells Cremated C109
Elsie Winifred Hill Cremated C11
Nicola Jane Cooper Cremated C110
Louisa Emily Bertha Stevens Cremated C112
Frank Desmond James Cremated C113
Bessie Joan Coutts Cremated C114
Eric Lionel Warne Cremated C115
Elizabeth Mabel Turner Cremated C116
Wilfred Roland Turner Cremated C116
Alathea Maritza West Cremated C117
John Antony West Cremated C117
Daisey Eileen Luckham Cremated C119
Eva Elizabeth Maud Churcher Cremated C12
Jack Kitchener Churcher Cremated C12
Aileen Gemmell Cremated C120
Phyllis Irene Bulleyment Cremated C121
David Louis George Meleder Cremated C122
Margaret Olive Meleder Cremated C122
Neil Lionel Rockett Cremated C123
Peter Donald Wallbridge Cremated C124
Ann Taylor Cremated C125
Ronald Arthur Westley Cremated C126
Martin Eric Rust Cremated C127
Frederick Arthur Langran Cremated C128
Margaret Langran Cremated C128
Malcolm Leslie Warner Ricketts Cremated C129
Isla Jessica Johnston Cremated C13
James Johnston Cremated C13
John Alexander Mead Cremated C130
Evelyn Nancy Channell Cremated C131
Adrian Paul Broomfield Cremated C133
Andrea Jayne Perkins Cremated C134
Rosie Jordan Cremated C134
Violet Louise Noble Cremated C135
Leslie Albert Cooper Cremated C136
Malcolm Ian Cooper Cremated C136
Millicent Louie Cooper Cremated C136
Madeleine Ginette Doreen Jarnecki Cremated C137
Tadeusz Stefan Jarnecki Cremated C137
Lise Gibbs Cremated C138
Ronald Sander Gibbs Cremated C138
Edward John Freeman Cremated C139
William Jesse Lewis Cremated C14
Charles Edward Thomas Smith Cremated C140
Bertram Alfred Harrison Cremated C141
Rose Elizabeth May Harrison Cremated C141
Margaret Lilian Cooper Cremated C142
Hazel Lucy Bearne Cremated C143
Morris Field Cremated C144
Queenie Irene Field Cremated C144
Mary Monica Collins Cremated C145
Derek William Chard Cremated C146
Jane Margaret Donohoe Cremated C147
Ernest Geoffrey Dennis Wiseman Cremated C148
Madeline Sarah Wiseman Cremated C148
John Page Cremated C149
Ernest Wilfred Bailey Cremated C15
Isobel Ella Bond Bailey Cremated C15
Reginald Roy Smith Cremated C150
Colin John Hobin Cremated C151
Charles Dowdy Cremated C152
Michael George Smith Cremated C153
S Smith Cremated C153
David William Stewart Gordon Cremated C154
Keith Stewart Gordon Cremated C154
Derek John Griffiths Cremated C155
Janice Fisher Cremated C156
Irene Hold Cremated C157
Marion Penney Cremated C158
Charles Philip Price Cremated C159
Doris Ruth Price Cremated C159
Roger Alan Noyce Cremated C16
Oliver Alfred Spranger Cremated C160
Rodney Clive John Andrews Cremated C161
Dennis Goodenough Cremated C162
Donald Frank Powell Cremated C163
Thelma Powell Cremated C163
David Arthur John Ameer-Beg Cremated C164
Steven Paul Wright Cremated C165
Harry Wright Cremated C166
Rita Wright Cremated C166
Suzanne Jane Harding Cremated C167
Barbara Williams Cremated C168
Dona Louise Shephard Cremated C169
Charles John Botley Cremated C17
Isabella Jane Botley Cremated C17
Luis Manuel Castro Cremated C172
Maria Amparo Castro Cremated C172
Richard Bennett Cremated C173
Norman Henry Taylor Cremated C174
Winifred Taylor Cremated C174
Ian McLeod Cremated C175
Doreen Watt Cremated C177
Edward John Watts Cremated C177
Edith Whitelock Cremated C178
Edwin Frank Edmonds Cremated C179
Patricia Elsie Edmonds Cremated C179
Anthony Charles Boucher Cremated C18
Hazel Boucher Cremated C18
Paul Boucher Cremated C18
Daffodil Golder Cremated C180
Doris Muriel Charman Cremated C181
Sandra Jane Holmes Cremated C181
Christian Mark Mills Cremated C182
Carol Baker Cremated C183
Peter Anthony Baker Cremated C183
Anthony Michael Merritt Cremated C184
Mary Helene Merritt Cremated C184
Anne Griffiths-Turner Cremated C185
Keith Turner Cremated C185
George Edward Rogers Cremated C186
Brian Ernest Stoneage Cremated C187
Mary Elizabeth Barstow Cremated C188
Derek Reginald Seal Cremated C189
Alan Geoffrey Brown Cremated C19
Shaun Young Cremated C191
Joseph Dennis George Taylor Cremated C192
Olive Irene Taylor Cremated C192
Robert McGill Cremated C193
Patricia Enid Plowright Cremated C194
William Gillett Cremated C195
Michael Kidd Cremated C196
Ann Dewey Cremated C197
Eileen Lowe Cremated C198
Wilfrid Lowe Cremated C198
Daniel James Grant Cremated C199
Lillie Ethel Mudge Cremated C2
Thomas Hurlock Mudge Cremated C2
Doris Jessie Howard Cremated C20
Arthur Alfred West Cremated C200
Arthur Thomas Lissenden Cremated C201
Paul Dovey Cremated C202
Jaquelyn Clare Richardson Cremated C203
Pamela Anne Stewart Cremated C204
Rhoderick David Stewart Cremated C204
Angela Rosemary Montague Cremated C205
John Edward Montague Cremated C205
David Smith Cremated C206
Philip John Redwood Cremated C207
Rosina Redwood Cremated C207
Derek Mark Franklin Cremated C208
Diana Madeline Solman Cremated C209
Donald Chris Solman Cremated C209
Frederick Charles Webb Cremated C21
Mabel Webb Cremated C21
June Audrey Walker Cremated C210
Keith Cyril Walker Cremated C210
Paul Richard Chapman Cremated C211
Pauline Ann Rossi Cremated C212
Ronnie Tony Rossi Cremated C212
Barbara Sophia Benjamin Cremated C213
Charles Benjamin Cremated C213
Francis Kathleen Garbett Cremated C214
George William Goble Cremated C215
David Ainsworth-Lay Cremated C216
Joan Evelyn Le Gallais Cremated C217
Percy Charles Spreadbury Cremated C218
Margaret Elizabeth Hayman Cremated C219
Daphne June Allwood Cremated C22
Reginald Walter Allwood Cremated C22
David Ellis Luff Cremated C220
Kathleen May Luff Cremated C220
Frank William Hurst Cremated C221
Vera Elizabeth Hurst Cremated C221
John Orton Trotter Cremated C222
Clifford George Huxford Cremated C223
Jill Kathleen Huxford Cremated C223
June Geraldine Passmore Cremated C224
Mervyn Frederick Lewis Passmore Cremated C224
Donald Spreadbury Cremated C225
Valerie Spreadbury Cremated C225
Trevor John Smirk Cremated C226
Godfrey Charles Farrant Cremated C227
Stephanie Jean Farrant Cremated C227
David John Mabey Cremated C228
Vivian J Mabey Cremated C228
John David Lewis Cremated C229
Kenneth John Osman Cremated C23
Winifred May Osman Cremated C23
Henry Alan Gritt Cremated C230
Olive Betty Rust Cremated C231
Eric George Holmes Cremated C232
Jean Elizabeth Barber Cremated C233
George Edward Cook Cremated C234
John Henry Burt Cremated C235
William Bruce Monro Rowley Cremated C236
Julie Linda Knott Cremated C237
Patricia Ann Bendall Cremated C238
Daniel Rex Oke Cremated C239
Jessie Rogers Cremated C24
Terance Barry Keeling Cremated C240
Robert David Scott Cremated C241
Robert Davies Cremated C242
Lisa Gulland Cremated C243
John Robert Gulland Cremated C244
Sylvia Gulland Cremated C244
David William Cooper Cremated C245
Michael Wharton Cremated C246
Henry Roxby Green Cremated C247
Mary Charlotte Rodaway Cremated C248
Eric Edwin Eugene Powell Cremated C25
Albert Houghton Cremated C26
Eva Houghton Cremated C26
Ida Ellen Radbourne Cremated C27
William Percy Radbourne Cremated C27
Alan Walter Harrison Cremated C28
Robert Paul Long Cremated C29
James Charles Humphries Cremated C3
Olive Lloyd Humphries Cremated C3
David Simpkins Cremated C30
Lewis Alan Williams Cremated C31
Sarah Myriam King Cremated C31
John William Jeffrey Cremated C32
Ronald Frederick Schwodler Cremated C33
Queenie Gladys White Cremated C34
William Edward White Cremated C34
Lilian May Denham Cremated C35
Bertha Nellie Coleman Cremated C36
Frederick Henry Sayers Cremated C37
Thomas Edward Osman Cremated C38
David Charles Butler Cremated C39
Florence Annie Gray Cremated C4
Tom Gray Cremated C4
Frederick Hodgson Teasdale Cremated C40
Olive Ray Cremated C41
Ronald Sidney Ray Cremated C41
Wanda Mary Hu Cremated C42
Hamilton John Young Cremated C43
Ian Brynmor Robinson Cremated C44
Paula Louise Hawton Cremated C45
Reginald George Abbott Cremated C46
Brian Eric Harris Cremated C48
Yvonne Jennifer Harris Cremated C48
Molly Gladys Stevens Cremated C49
Raymond Douglas Charles Stevens Cremated C49
Rosalind Cleave Cremated C5
Denise Rickman Cremated C50
Sylvia Jane Dingley Cremated C51
Alan Henry Cuzner Cremated C52
Doris Jean Rose Cuzner Cremated C52
Barbara Joan Haskett Cremated C53
Gerald Eric Haskett Cremated C53
Stephen John Carey Cremated C54
Daphne Aileen Eade Cremated C55
William Eade Cremated C55
Anthony James Giles Cremated C56
David Davies Cremated C57
Doreen Millicent Frances Rowland Cremated C58
Maurice Roy Rowland Cremated C58
Foun Maria Long Cremated C59
Rose Long-Gobel Cremated C59
Alan George Smirk Cremated C6
David William Curry Cremated C60
Betty Joyce Simpson Cremated C61
Mark Simpson Cremated C61
Alice Maud Wilkins Cremated C62
Frederick George Harris Cremated C63
Elizabeth Ann Helen Roberta Foras Cremated C64
Maxie otherwise Max Foras Cremated C64
Elsie May Jones Cremated C65
Stanley Herbert James Jones Cremated C65
Derek Edgar Custance Cremated C66
Anthony Egar Turner Cremated C67
Elizabeth Jones Cremated C68
George Henry Jones Cremated C68
Vera Thorne Cremated C69
Daisy Bronwen Burbidge Cremated C7
Frederick Walter Burbidge Cremated C7
Sylvia Ivy Osborne Cremated C70
Walter Kenneth Osborne Cremated C70
Maria Mathurina Jacobs Cremated C71
Roy Albert George Jacobs Cremated C71
Frederick Thomas Cash Cremated C72
Annie Cash Cremated C73
Frederick Edward Cash Cremated C73
Anthony Michael Scott Cremated C74
Susan Valerie Scott Cremated C74
David Richard George Stratton Cremated C75
Graham Burgess Cremated C76
Hazel Mary Burgess Cremated C76
George Lovis Prothero Cremated C77
Doris Penney Cremated C78
Herbert Penney Cremated C78
Cyril George Vass Cremated C79
Margaret Jane Klepper Cremated C8
Paul Klepper Cremated C8
Edward Burgess Cremated C80
Ruby Burgess Cremated C80
Joy Alice Grace Blacknell Cremated C81
Ivy Ena Grace Carr Cremated C82
Adam John Douglas Mill Cremated C83
Catherine Grace Starbuck Cremated C84
John William Starbuck Cremated C84
Edith Annie Duffin Cremated C85
Percy Charles Duffin Cremated C85
Graham Anthony Davies Cremated C86
Frederick Lionel Brook Cremated C87
Phyllis Alice Brook Cremated C87
Francis Edward Sonn Cremated C88
Norman Robert & Stella May Beales Cremated C89
Stella May Beales Cremated C89
Edward Jesse Drew Cremated C9
Frederick James Ralph Cremated C90
Grace Poppy Evelyn Ralph Cremated C90
Margaret Ester Vallance Cremated C91
Iris Joyce Rashleigh Cremated C92
Kenneth Walter Rashleigh Cremated C92
Edward Arthur Knott Cremated C93
Freda Margaret Minnie Knott Cremated C93
Lesley Fitzpatrick Cremated C94
Beverley Ronald Bowers Cremated C95
Laura Mary Bowers Cremated C95
Charles Henry Sanders Cremated C96
Percival Douglas Thorne Cremated C97
Roland Howard Hatt Cremated C98
Alice Elizabeth Legg Cremated C99
John Maurice Legg Cremated C99
Graham Nigel Cody Minor M1
Emily Charlotte Snow Minor M10
Peter Raymond Cook Minor M11
Kelvin Osman Minor M12
Terence Leslie Stoneage Minor M13
Teresa Purkiss Minor M14
Diedre Elaine Toomey Minor M15
Anthony John Halpin Minor M16
Edna Ida Halpin Minor M16
Marie Hulme Minor M17
Joan Olive Parvin Minor M18
Monica Jane Parvin Minor M18
William Henry Ernest Parvin Minor M18
Mary Cole Minor M19
Derek John Chalcraft Minor M2
Andrew Willmer Minor M20
Susan Marilyn Cousens Minor M21
Trevor Baker Minor M22
no name given Brown Minor M23
Angela Rogers Minor M24
Helen Sarah Green Minor M29
Colin George Bell Minor M3
George Edward Bell Minor M3
Iris Mona Kathlyn Bell Minor M3
Laura Jayne Nugent Minor M30
Glen Desmond Bennett Minor M31
Melissa Gillian Cain Minor M32
James Dinsdale Minor M33
Rowena Emily Sarah Robbins Minor M34
Sarah Louisa McCormick Minor M35
Michael Pilot Minor M36
Gavin Bruce Rowley Minor M37
Gerald Noyce Minor M38
Charmaine Blunden Minor M39
David Randall Minor M4
Jimmy Michael Barnes Minor M40
Maureen Hadley Minor M41
Simon Edward Hadley Minor M41
no name given Parker Minor M42
Martin David Emery Minor M43
Jerome Vernon Hunt Minor M44
Vanessa Elizabeth Ellwand Minor M45
Andrew Paul Wells Minor M46
Lucy Jane Mussell Minor M47
Mary Louise Taggart Minor M48
Kevin John Groom Minor M49
Matthew Aaron Cameron Minor M5
Rosie Greenslade Minor M50
Michael John Seagrave Minor M51
Rhys Smith Minor M52
William David Cowley Minor M53
Stella Nolan Minor M54
Grace Elizabeth White Minor M55
Reese Morton-Atwill Minor M56
Oliver James Ewers Minor M57
Kobi Eric Bennett Minor M58
Russell James Turner Minor M6
Amber Louise Norman Minor M63
Emily Louise & Amber Maria Jackson Minor M7